Dinesh Vijan, the producer behind the highly anticipated Sky Force, recently shared his thoughts on the film, the powerful emotions it evokes, and the direction in which his production house, Maddock Films, is headed. The film, centered around the bravery and sacrifice of real-life heroes, explores themes of loyalty, honor, and brotherhood in the face of war. In an interview, Dinesh opened up about what makes Sky Force so special, the evolving approach of Maddock Films, and his belief in the emotional power of storytelling.
"For any filmmaker, the maximum satisfaction comes from the reaction you get when the film is over," Dinesh began. "We watched the film with 1,000 cadets, and we could all feel it there. You could see the emotion and the connection on their faces. That’s when you know you’ve made something meaningful."
Dinesh believes that Sky Force is a film that resonates deeply with audiences because of its unique emotional core. "You can expect beautiful emotions that we don’t see in our everyday life," he said. "Our daily life is normal because of these commendable heroes who protect our country. The film talks about never leaving anyone behind—about the family that these heroes form with each other. It’s about honor among enemies, which I don’t think has been explored in this way before."
The film also delves into the journey of one man whose instincts lead him to make decisions against all odds. "It talks about one man’s journey, where sometimes instinct is stronger than fact. He believed that all the facts didn’t make sense, but he trusted his heart and stood by his brother," Dinesh explained. "These are the kinds of films we can all relate to and connect with. I feel Sky Force is going to do exactly that—it’s a film that makes you feel."
Maddock Films has always been known for pushing boundaries and exploring a variety of genres. Dinesh emphasized that the focus at Maddock is never just on one type of film. "Maddock always tries to create unique content. We believe that the audience wants something new, something different. After COVID, we’ve been exposed to so many different genres. We don’t want to be a production house that only makes comedies or only makes patriotic films," he said. "We want to try everything because Maddock is not just me—we have directors from all corners of India. We don’t specifically decide on a genre; we decide on content. When a story comes to us, it feels like something we have to tell. Sky Force was one such story—it was a story that had to be made."
He also shared his perspective on the responsibility of filmmakers. "Films should reflect what is happening in society, and they should affect every person in a positive way. That’s our social responsibility as filmmakers," he said. "Sky Force does exactly that. When you watch it, you won’t be able to move for two hours."
At the heart of Dinesh Vijan’s vision for Sky Force is its ability to evoke strong emotional reactions from the audience. "The strength of the film lies in how it makes you feel. It gives you hope in humanity," he said. "We want to make films that connect with people on a deeper level, films that stay with you long after the credits roll."
For Dinesh and Maddock Films, Sky Force is a testament to their commitment to creating unique, emotionally impactful content that resonates with audiences, making them feel more connected to the world around them.